Ecotopia #212 California’s Water Future
Posted by Stephen on 28 Nov 2012 at 12:14 pm | Tagged as: Uncategorized
Date: 27 November 2012
This week our topic is “California’s Water Future,” centering on a conference being held this Thursday and Friday at the Sierra Nevada Big Room. Sponsored by Aqualliance, the conference will include a number of water specialists as speakers and workshop leaders asking the difficult question of whether California will prepare to have sufficient water for coming generations.
One of those specialists is John Herrick, who is the General Counsel for the South Delta Water District in Stockton. He’ll be the keynote speaker at lunch on Thursday speaking about “Delta Fundamentals: The Origin of the Crisis.â€Â And we will be talking with him on the phone in just a few minutes.
In the second half of the program, we’ll be talking in the studio with Jim Brobeck of Aqualliance, asking him to describe the format and contents of the conference and what he and other water activists hope to see come from it. Full conference details and registration information are are online at <>
Our Conversation with John Herrick
This is Ecotopia on KZFR, and tonight we are discussing California’s water crisis, which will be the subject of a two-day conference this Thursday and Friday sponsored by Aqualliance at the Sierra Nevada Big Room. On the phone with us now is John Herrick, Counsel and Manager of the South Delta Water Agency, who will be speaking here in Chico on Thursday. Recently, in the Lodi Times, John was quoted as saying that the proposed massive diversion of water from the Delta is “insane” and that “It’s time to get pitchforks and torches and march on the government.” Strong words about water issues. Welcome, John Herrick.
–Before we ask you about the pitchforks and torches, please tell us a little about the South Delta Water Agency and what you do for it.
–There are myriad public water agencies, authorities, and consortiums in the Central Valley. How do they interact?
–We’ve talked on this show with Jim Brobeck and Barbara Vlamis about Bay Delta Conservation Plan and the proposed peripheral tunnels. From your perspective, what are the major problems?
–You have said that the diversion plan is not only “insane,” but probably illegal. What are its legal problems? How are you, as an attorney, attacking the proposal? What kinds of legal steps are involved? Can legal action stop the project? slow it? alter it significantly?
–When we pick up our pitchforks and torches, where should we take them? How can listeners express their concerns?
–A letter to the editor of the Lodi Time noted the “convoluted approaches” to Delta solutions and asked, “Will there ever be an amicable solution acceptable to all?” What’s your answer.
We have been talking with John Herrick, Counsel and Manager of the South Delta Water Agency. He will be participating in the Aqualliance California water conference here in Chico as the keynote speaker at the Thursday luncheon. His topic is “Delta Fundamentals: The Origin of the Crisis.â€Â Thanks for being with us tonight, and we’ll look forward to hearing your presentation on Thursday.
Our Questions for Jim Brobeck
This is Ecotopia on KZFR, and tonight our focus is on California Water issues. This Thursday and Friday at the Sierra Nevada Brewery, Aqualliance will be holding a major conference and workshop called Water for Seven Generations: Will California Prepare for It? With us in the studio now is Jim Brobeck, Policy Analyst for Aqualliance, to give us more details. Welcome, Jim.
–Origins of the conference. Why here, why now?
–What is the pattern? (Day One: Surface Waters; Day Two: Ground Water and the Future)
–Who are some of the key presenters each day?
–What are some of the agencies represented? Does the conference include multiple points of view?
–What do you hope to see as the outcome? Will there be an action plan?
–Registration info.
Coming Events from the Chico State Herbarium
Wreath Making Workshop.
December 8, 2012, Saturday, 1-3pm.
by Jennifer Jewell and Adrienne Edwards.
Introduction into Mushroom Foraging and Identification.
January 19, 2013, Saturday, 8:30am to 5pm.
by Phil Carpenter.
The Wild Dessert: Preparing Food from Native Plants.
February 9, 2013, Saturday.
by Alicia Funk.
Botanical Illustration.
April 27, 2013, Saturday, 10am to 4pm.
by John Muir Laws followed by
Opening the world through Nature Journaling (especially for teachers)
Saturday, 4:30-6pm.
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