Spring Has Sprung
March 27, 2012

You are listening to KZFR 90.1 community radio for the Sacramento Valley, the Foothills, and Beyond. I’m Stephen Tchudi. Usually in this time slot we bring you Ecotopia, exploring ecosystems: environmental, technological, and social. But tonight we are bringing you a ninety minute special that we call Eco-Storyteller-Kids-N-Creeks-O-Topia.

I’m Susan Tchudi. We’ll joining forces with Adrienne Scott and Kathryn Robinson of the StoryTeller, usually on at 7 pm, and a bit later, we’ll be joined by Marcie Holmes and other members of the Kids-and-Creeks show that is featured on the third Tuesday of the month.

I’m Adrienne Scott, and in the next hour and a half you’ll hear stories, poems, music, and nonfiction for ecologically minded kids of all ages as we talk about seeds and sprouts and frogs and ladybugs and water and a bunch of other critters and events taking place in the Northstate and beyond in these spring months.

And I’m Kathryn Robinson. We’re doing this program as a special part of KZFR’s pledge week. We hope you’ll call in during this hour–the number is: 895-0131

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