Date: July 10, 2012

Tonight we’ll be talking with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, the Executive Director and co-founder of MomsRising, We’ll hear the mission and work of MomsRising, a million-strong grassroots nonprofit focusing on critical issues facing women, mothers and families. We’ll then talk about one of the current efforts of MomsRising to convince Trader Joe’s to source their meat only from animals raised without antibiotics.

Listen to the Program

Our Questions for Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner.

Part I:

1. What does MomsRising do? What’s its mission?

2. What makes MomsRising unique?

3. How did MomsRising began? How old is it?

4. I get MomsRising emails on various actions you propose and support. The list is amazing—everything from opposing Gymboree’s sexist t-shirts to legislation on family leave for taking care of babies, access to health care, maintaining support for WIC, maintaining clean air. Can you tell us what your criteria are for choosing the issues you want to pursue?

5. How do you go about achieving your goals? How do you work? Do you work primarily at the national level?

6. What have been some of your biggest successes?

7. Tell us about your MomsRising blog.

Part II:

We want to turn now to one of their current efforts, convincing Trader Joes to source their meat only from animals raised without antibiotics.

1. First of all, can you tell us why antibiotics in meat is an issue MomsRising decided to undertake?

2. What are important elements of antibiotics in meat that you want people to understand?

3. Why did you decide to make Trader Joes the target of this campaign?

4. Did you approach them before you began the campaign to try to convince them that this is an action the company should take?

5. I know you are asking people to sign an open letter to Trader Joes. How is that going? Are there other aspects of this action? Is there an “ending time” for the action? How will you know when you’re done?

6. What are some of the other work MomsRising is currently engaged in?

7. How can people become involved in MomsRising? What can they do? How do the contact you?

We’ve been talking with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, co-founder and executive directorof MomsRising. Thank you so much for coming on the show.

Play list:

1. Your Mother Should Know 2:30 The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour

2. Mother of My Soul 6:27 Shimshai maui live at mandala World

3. Mother And Child 3:41 Dezarie Gracious Mama Africa Reggae

4. Mother Stands For Comfort 3:08 Kate Bush Hounds Of Love Alternative & Punk

5. Weave Me the Sunshine 4:28 Peter, Paul And Mary The Very Best of Peter, Paul and Mary Folk 100 7/6/12 3:57 PM

6. Mother And Child Reunion 2:49 Paul Simon Negotiations And Love Songs 1971-1986 General Pop